Denver Newborn Photographer | Bentley Brand New

Bentley was a dream newborn to photograph–beautiful skin, tons of dark hair, baby rolls, adorable face, and he slept like a champ! I love this session and had so much fun photographing this sweet boy and his sisters!
Denver Newborn Photographer | Sachin Brand New

How can you resist a baby with such beautiful hair, dark eyelashes, and sweet squishy lips?! Baby Sachin came into this world fast and furious! I think his parents said he they were only at the hospital for less than 10 minutes before he was born. Sounds kind of nice, right, mamas? 🙂 I love […]
Denver Newborn Photographer | Elliott Brand New

On September 18 we welcomed our second baby boy into our family. I don’t know how I ever questioned my heart’s capacity to love another human being as much as I loved my first son. Baby Elliott stole my heart (and his daddy’s) the minute he entered the world. What a sweet and lovable little […]
Denver Newborn Photographer | Brogan Brand New

Last Saturday I got to photograph my first redheaded newborn. And it’s true–red heads are feistier! 🙂 Little B had me spend the entire first hour of his session trying to get him to sleep–or at least get him happy. Brogan spent his first month in the NICU when he was born about 7 weeks […]
Denver Newborn Photographer | David Brand New

Sweet David was 10 days old for his newborn session and one of the cutest newborns I’ve photographed. With dark hair, long eyelashes, and bright eyes he made some adorable photos! 🙂 This session was extra fun because his parents brought in a Mexican saddle owned by David’s dad. His family owns a ranch nearby […]
Denver Newborn Photographer | Sam Brand New

Denver Newborn Photographer | Jett Brand New

Jett’s newborn session was my first of what I hope to be many Denver sessions to come! It has been so hard not being as busy as I normally am given the time of year and I hope the ball keeps rollin’ and I get some more sessions booked before my own little guy enters […]
Grand Rapids Newborn Photographer | Arie Brand New

Arie was wide awake when I got to his home last week–bright eyed and curiously looking around. His mama said he had slept for almost 4 hours straight before his session….so I was a bit worried I wouldn’t be able to get this little fella to sleep for his session. But alas! He proved himself […]
South Bend Newborn Photographer | Kendall Brand New

I was so relieved that Miss Kendall decided to finally arrive before I headed out on my two week vacation–though I’m sure I wasn’t as relieved as her parents! I was starting to get a bit nervous as the day was approaching when I was going to get on a plane and I wanted to […]
South Bend Newborn Photographer | Cooper Brand New

2014 was a great year for Newborn photo shoots. While I hadn’t done too many newborns in the pas,t it exploded last spring and kept me busy all year! I love the challenge that newborn photography brings– the beautiful moments captured between new parents and their tiny newborn, the tiny toes, fingers, ears, noses, and […]