Arie was wide awake when I got to his home last week–bright eyed and curiously looking around. His mama said he had slept for almost 4 hours straight before his session….so I was a bit worried I wouldn’t be able to get this little fella to sleep for his session. But alas! He proved himself to be pretty easy going and sweet 🙂 Arie has beautiful squishy lips and a cute little “fohawk” of hair. Judging by his parents this little guy is going to be a pretty handsome guy! I honestly LOVE getting out of the house and spending some nice, quiet time just me and the baby. It’s so peaceful (which might sound ironic to new parents who know how “peaceful” newborns are at 4 a.m.) and I just love my time making art out of God’s littlest creatures!

Thank you Josh and Bethany for allowing me to capture Arie’s newborn sweetness.

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