Denver Baby Photographer | Cade 4 Months

Denver Newborn Photographer | Eleanor Brand New

Denver Newborn Photographer | Ellary Brand New

Denver Newborn Photographer | Ty Brand New

I love the community of photographers I am part of! Last week another photographer posted on a group Facebook site I am part of that her sister needed a newborn photographer and was located in Denver! I immediately raised my hand and was so thrilled her sister decided to book with me. Yay social media! […]
Denver Newborn Photographer | Sachin Brand New

How can you resist a baby with such beautiful hair, dark eyelashes, and sweet squishy lips?! Baby Sachin came into this world fast and furious! I think his parents said he they were only at the hospital for less than 10 minutes before he was born. Sounds kind of nice, right, mamas? 🙂 I love […]
Denver Newborn Photographer | Elliott Brand New

On September 18 we welcomed our second baby boy into our family. I don’t know how I ever questioned my heart’s capacity to love another human being as much as I loved my first son. Baby Elliott stole my heart (and his daddy’s) the minute he entered the world. What a sweet and lovable little […]
Denver Newborn Photographer | Sam Brand New

Denver Newborn Photographer | Jett Brand New

Jett’s newborn session was my first of what I hope to be many Denver sessions to come! It has been so hard not being as busy as I normally am given the time of year and I hope the ball keeps rollin’ and I get some more sessions booked before my own little guy enters […]